Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Tom's latest project

Tom did all this AFTER the carnival on Saturday! You'd think he was the energies bunny!! We have trouble with our azalea bed flooding when it rains, so he came up with this solution. All the water will flow under the sidewalk, down the pipe to the end of the house to an underground hole filled with rocks, to be absorbed away from the house. Sweet, huh? Yes, my husband is a genius. :)

We've been working on our reshaping our flower beds since we moved in, but it got put on hold when winter rolled around. Tom's done an excellent job shaping them...Now he has to reroute the sprinkler system and then we'll fill in the ditch around the perimeter of the bed with weed block and rocks and build a retaining wall with landscape blocks on top of that. I know the end result will be fantastic, but it's hard for me to be patient. All I wanted was some bushes and flowers, for goodness sake! :) But I'm thankful for my hard working husband who thinks beyond the here and now to what's best in the long run. Sigh.... :)

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