Chandler's Apple Bread Adventure
After much delay Friday night - Toysrus sale and Target run.... :) - we were up until almost 11 making Chandler's bread for OFFD, which incidentally, came in 5th out 13 entrants! It just would have been too crazy to make in on Saturday, when we had two soccer games, two soccer parties and had to be at the farm at 3! He did so well - again doing it almost completely alone, with a little help on reading the recipe. I have two great cooks!!
Here is the picture story of Chandler's first baking experience.

Here is the picture story of Chandler's first baking experience.
Our breads didn't officially place. Mine came in 4th, Chandler's 5th, and Taylor's 7th out of 13 entrants. But considering that they were the two youngest bakers, I thought they did very well! :)
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