Spur of the moment home improvements!
Today we had to stay home from church yet another Sunday to make sure we didn't pass around the virus that Brayden had. Thank goodness, he seems to be quite recovered!
Anywho, Tom had picked up a few supplies from Home Depot on Friday so on a whim, we started moving out furniture to prime and paint the living room!! I'm SUPER excited!
Tom has wonderful, grand plans for the architecture, lighting and decor of the house, it's just that it takes much planning, time and money to make happen! I'd somewhat given up on ever getting the painting done and despaired over never having anything hung on the walls. :) So to finally be moving forward with painting has made me the happiest wife ever! I love you, Honey!! You're the GREATEST!!
Today we got the ceiling scraped, the spots spackled, and sanded and tomorrow we'll be priming. The next day painting!! The plan is a caramel with a slightly darker glaze to make a leather finish. :::Happy dance::: I'm simply giddy right now! We're doing the hallway the same as the living, the dining room red, I think.. and the bathroom might even get done too! I don't know what color yet though. :)
Here's the dining room filled to the max with all the living room stuff. I LOVE the part where it's like this... it's so fun to live like this for a few days. If Tom would let me, I'd switch the living and dining furniture around just for kicks sometime. ;)

Tom scraping the ceiling acoustic in preparation for priming.
Today we got the ceiling scraped, the spots spackled, and sanded and tomorrow we'll be priming. The next day painting!! The plan is a caramel with a slightly darker glaze to make a leather finish. :::Happy dance::: I'm simply giddy right now! We're doing the hallway the same as the living, the dining room red, I think.. and the bathroom might even get done too! I don't know what color yet though. :)
Here's the dining room filled to the max with all the living room stuff. I LOVE the part where it's like this... it's so fun to live like this for a few days. If Tom would let me, I'd switch the living and dining furniture around just for kicks sometime. ;)
Tom scraping the ceiling acoustic in preparation for priming.
Me up high -- I was sanding the spackle near the peak of the vaulted ceiling. :) Ooh ooh, with my new Zune!! Yeah, I'm cool.
And this is what it looks like now. So messy. We moved the couch back into the living room for the Super Bowl -- of course! -- and I dragged the elliptical back in from the playroom to work off all the cheating I did tonight. (Super bowl munchies are the devil) I was on that thing for 75 minutes and burned over 1000!!!! calories!! Woo hoo! (Notice the empty water bottle-- I went through three of those things) Seriously though, I cannot sleep now to save my life. lol

Wow, how exciting!!!! I can't wait to see it done.
So, you're scraping off the acoustic thingys and it'll just be a regularly textured ceiling? We have the acoustic popcorn stuff and I don't like the way it looks. How much effort is it? Is it worth it?
Yeah, me either Stephanie! I'm holding my breath that it will really happen this time. ;)
It was relatively easy, Jaime... using that scraping tool, it took about an hour or so. We didn't scrape it down to the sheetrock. just took the big clumps off so that it could be painted. It looks much smoother now and it's going to look great once it's painted! :)
I hate the popcorn ceilings too but scraping it seems like much more work than I'd enjoy doing. Good to hear it wasn't so bad incase I ever get the crazy idea to do it. :P
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