Praise report!
You all remember this little girl, Suzannah, whom I introduced to you as my new little sister? Well, just to bring you up to speed, she's been in the childrens hospital in Tulsa pending dhs' decision whether or not to place with my parent's family. They've taken their time, first saying they had another more suitible family, who it turns out WAS NOT suitable... then just refusing to place with them because they have over 6 in the in their home. Throughout all of this, my parents have noT given up hope and continue to visit her daily, often for hours at a time.
While we were there for Christmas we got to meet Suzannah for the first time. Up to this point, I will admit I questioned what my parents were doing, taking on another child with even more special needs than Sophia and Mirah. She has cerebal palsy and has seizures. She can't talk or sit up on her own and watching her stare off into space, she looks very sad. But seeing her little face and holding her really changed what I thought about it all. When you catch her eyes and they light up and she smiles at you, there is just so much potential there! I just know there's so much going on in her head that she's not being able to express because of her communication limitaions. And the way she responds to my mom can only be described as love. When we got there she was just lying in her bed, awake but all alone. When she heard mom's voice she started making noises and kicking really hard. You could tell she was really excited! I also saw her follow mom with her eyes and smile.
After meeting this little girl who will be (and already is) my sister, I could really see why my parents are fighting so hard for her. She's just an amazing little girl.
My parents had a court date a few days ago for a judge to decide whether or not to force dhs to place Suzannah with their family. The judge ruled that they should place with my parents family,(Yay!) but put a stay on the judgment for two weeks to give dhs a chance to appeal. If she had gotten to go home that day with mom and dad, and they had won the appeal she would have had to be removed from their home, a traumatizing situation for everyone involved. I'm so happy that the judge ruled in thier favor though... and the insight in putting the stay on the judgment was wise. Praise God that very soon Suzannah will be able to go home to her family who loves her so much!
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