I didn't realize there was a limit to the number of photos you can post at one time. I've been trying to upload 5 more pictures for the past 15 minutes but they never show up. Grrrrrr. :)
My apologies for how long it's taken. The pc has been up and running, I've just been too busy to sit down and post. (As a quick aside, I never knew till recently that you can post more than one pic at time!!!! I'm not very observant. :) You can imagine how NOT excited I was to sit down to post 20+ pictures!! Talk about tedious!!)
Anywho, here are the long awaited pictures! We had an awesome time with my family. The trip always seems longer on the way there. We're all just so excited to see everyone, I guess. :)
About 10:00 p.m. at a McD's along the turnpike. The kids were surprisingly chipper for as late as it was. We had Lola, our puppy, with us so we had to make frequent stops. :) That made it seem longer to Tom and I, but broke things up a bit for the kids. We didn't get there until about midnight. Then we stayed up talking and last minute wrapping until 4:30!!
Tom being silly with his little buddy. My sister Sophia is 4 and she has down syndrome. She's very finicky about who she lets in her personal space, but she just loves Tom - she hugs and kisses on him much more than she will with me! :) She is a wonderful blessing to our family!
Taylor enjoying the evening. She gets really lonely when we come home after being with her 11! aunts and uncles - many of whom are right around her age.

Phia with Papa. This is my mom's dad. Phia loves her Papa. :)

Chandler with Aunt Erika. Erik is the third oldest and one of my closest friends. She's 19 and a huge sweetheart. Love you, Erik.
Lola was a huge hit with all the relatives, but especially my great Aunt Rita. :) She used to have a toy poodle named Suzette. You can tell by watching her with Lola how much she misses her little dog. :(
Chandler opening his "choo choo twain set" - one of the many presents opened!
BIG bite of pie!
Left to right - my mom, Uncle Jack, his wife, Aunt Rita, Mimi (mom's mom) Papa (mom's dad), my dad, and the side of Aunt Holly's face. :) She's my mom's sister. We always have so much fun visiting around the table after dinner. It's one of my many favorite times of the holidays. :)
My cousins, Gessica and Shannon (Aunt Holly's daughters) and my sister just down from me, Vanessa. Ness is 21 and attends a small university nearby. She's majoring in the persecuted church.