Today was quite a busy day. First we went to Pump it Up, a playplace consisting entirely of huge inflatable play equipment. (field trip! ;) j/k) We actually packed up school to do on the go. The kids had tons of fun. I played too and I'm going to feel it tomorrow. There are tons more pics, but I'm too tired to upload them all. I'll have to post them as an album tomorrow. I know Grandmas enjoy things like that. :)
Then I spent 45 min vacuuming, shampooing and washing the van at the car wash place while the kids worked on school. It's so great to have a nice clean vehicle! Next we ran home to have a late lunch, let the dog outside and me to nurse the baby.
Then it was time for choir. I'm really going to enjoy this hour of downtime visiting with other CHEC moms I don't normally get to hang out with! It was very refreshing today - letting the younger kids play at the church park while we talked -- and the weather was just gorgeous! Then we ran a few bill pay errands (fun!) and then a mad dash to the store before Tom got home. Had the kids finish up school, made taco salad for dinner. When we finally kissed the kids goodnight and got them to bed, I collapsed on the couch, unable to move. :-P I'm tired.
Tomorrow is an at home day, which would normally mean a nice, laid back, relaxing day, but I'll be making chili, doing school with the kids, and doing a once over on the house to prepare for the house full of people coming over for the Jericho season premiere party we're hosting. Fun fun! I'm looking forward to it. (Anyone who watches Jericho is welcome to come!!! 6:00, bring kids, food and a good sense of humor!) I love entertaining. I need to do it more often, but life just happens so fast and everyone is so busy and schedules are hard to coordinate these days! JEN!! ;)
Oh and to top off the day tomorrow, I have to prepare for ELO also - this includes buying/making 20 some odd valentines for the boys classes, making a dessert for Taylor's class, making sure botany homework was completed, packing snacks, locating art supplies and filling out Taylor's reading log for the Six flags reading program! Oh my gosh my head is spinning. People say homeschooling sounds daunting - I say this class setting thing is much worse. I would NOT do well with the kids in school where this type of thing was the norm! Once a week is stressful enough!
Well I'm going to bed.