My mom and Emma finally got clearance to go home on Wednesday! Praise the Lord. It was a huge answer to prayer that everything worked out. It was very stressful for everyone for there to be a question of whether the adoption would be approved or not by the state of Oklahoma. If they had not approved it, the adoption agency would have been forced to find another family! It's a good thing that it didn't come to that, because my family wouldn't have gone down without a fight!

It was such a nice visit, too bad it was under stressful circumstances. This is the first time we've ever had a week with Grammy all to ourselves :) (without me being on bedrest that is!) and likewise with Grammy having the grandkids without a dozen (literally!) aunts and uncles to have to share with. :) We really enjoyed having her. It was great having her here. I loved being able to actually "host" and not have to be taken care of. ;)
We said more than once that Aaron makes 2 of Emma! And they're only about 6 weeks apart!
Someone in Target asked us if they were TWINS!! We got a good laugh over that. Then we had even more fun explaining that she was his aunt!! The looks on their faces were priceless. :)

We didn't do a whole lot of running around since she had to be close for important phone calls, plus I was getting ready for the party a big chunk of them being here, then I was sick Sunday and Monday! However, on Tuesday we went to see a movie and went out to lunch, Grammy's treat. I protested, (my dad is still not working due to his work related injury) but she told me I had to let her do "Grammy" things once and awhile. :) I'm used to being independent and the indulgent grandma is not a role she gets to take on often since she has to many of her own small kiddos. :) It was fun to let her "Grammy" the kids.
These are from their last day here, Wednesday the very day they got clearance to travel out of the state. They were anxious to get home - none of my sibling there had even been able to meet her yet, except through pictures. They couldn't wait to hold her! So we decided to meet my dad half way so that they could get back that day instead of having to stay one more night here. We met him just over the state line. The kids were teary in the van about saying goodbye to grammy and Emma. So was I for that matter. I love hanging out with my mom.... we miss you, Grammy!!
In love with my new little sister. :)