Monday, May 29, 2006
Trip to the pet store
The older kids and I had a day out on Saturday. We went to Target, Petco and the $1 store. Taylor had $4.00 and wanted to be able to pick out 4 things. It's cool that there's still a place that a few dollars can go a long way. :)
At Petco, the kids picked out the hamster they wanted. :) We've been talking about getting one or two for awhile. They're so excited. Going to petco like an educational field trip. We talked about each of the animals and their native habitats. Taylor surprised me by saying she wasn't sure she wanted a hamster because they were nocturnal. :) I had no idea she even knew the meaning of that word. lol
Posted by
6:23 PM
Funny hair
Pompoms were one of the things Taylor bought with her money. :) The kids thought they made a cool wig.
I love this picture - Chandler looks so much like Hosanna and me in it!! And Judah too.... :) Taylor gave Brayden the balloon she bought. :)
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6:05 PM
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
New template
Like it? I'm so excited because I finally got one that worked.... except I can't figure out how to make my picture small... it's huge! Tom is going to help me with it, because he knows html and I do not. :)
Posted by
10:49 PM
Party time!
Yesterday I hosted a party for the Bright Minds products that Stephanie sells. It was so cool. It's fun to get together, talk, eat and shop all at the same time!! :)
I love hosting stuff like this.. and yes, Dana and Steff, I complain a lot about all the prep work that goes into it, but like I was telling my grandma on the phone yesterday, I wouldn't do it if I didn't love it. :) I especially love coming up with the menu. This time I made fruit tartlets (mini versions of fruit pizza), Tomato-Pesto Bruchetta, Spinach dip and Cream cheese swirl brownies. I served it with tea and homemade strawberry lemonade. All that and I didn't even get a picture. Here's two from today... it all looked so much better yesterday... especially the tartlets. :)
Posted by
3:49 PM
Misc. pics of the weekend
Taylor came home feverish and sick Sunday. My poor girl. I prayed with her as soon as she got home and she was so happy. Then I gave her some motrin and had her eat dinner on the loveseat. She loves the royal treatment... she doesn't even look sick here! :) I had her take a trash can with her to bed but she didn't need it. She told me the next morning that she knew she woudln't need it because we prayed and she knew God would make her feel better! And He did... she's been fine ever since Sunday night. Praise the Lord!
Goofy baby. :) Helping mommy with the housework. :)
Posted by
3:32 PM
Washing the durango
Happy boy.
There's nothing sexier than my hot hubby all sweaty from working hard. Probably TMI... sorry.. :) lol
Brayden's face when he get's sprayed. :)
I love this picture - the look they're sharing is so precious.
Posted by
3:21 PM
Nursery time
Stephanie and I had nursery together last Sunday. This is Victoria Bradshaw with Brayden. He has all sorts of girls all lined up. :) Just kidding.
Going to church reminded me that I didn't mention mother's day on here...
We had such a wonderful day. I was blessed beyond words by my loving family. Taylor got to be with us, and that alone was such a precious gift. We were both so excited to have the day together.
Tom and Taylor made me breakfast that they brought to me on a tray on the couch since I get up before everyone on Sundays. They'd gotten me cards and flowers and chocolates too! Those were waiting on me when I got up. My present was what I'd been talking about for weeks.... a new Bible!! Ok, well I haven't gotten it yet. Tom knew I wanted a certain one and wanted me to pick it out. :)
Tom wasn't feeling well sunday, so we didn't go out that day, but he did make lunch and dinner... and strawberry shortcake for dessert!! And then they took me out for Red Lobster later in the week!! It was so yummy. I'd been craving coconut shrimp for a long time. :) And the biscuits... mmmmm... I could make a whole meal out of those things! AND! I just found this recipe someone concocted - she claims it tastes just like original!! Gotta try it! That blog could be mine... I should start taking pictures and posting all my recipes. How fun!!
Anyways, mother's day was very much a great, fun day. I am so blessed. It's such an honor to raise and teach my kids. To be their mother... what an incredible responsibility!!
Oh yeah, and the church had a great special treat honoring mothers, they had a nice brunch prepared,Taylor's sunday school class sang a song and then they had a video. They gave us all roses and at the end of the video all the kids were in the side room and they all yelled into the microphone, " Happy Mother's Day!!" and all came running out to pray with their mothers. It was such a special time!
Anyways, back to this sunday.... This is Clark Crowe - Have you ever seen so much hair on a baby? He is so cute!! I just love him so much. He looks just like Frodo Baggins/Elijah Wood... we like to call him little Hobbitt. :)
Brayden doesn't know what to think about this Frodo look-a-like!!
Posted by
2:34 PM
Saturday, May 20, 2006
Fun day at the lake
Dana imed late last night and asked if we wanted to go to Gladewater lake with them today. We did, and what fun!!! We swam, ate a picnic lunch, swam, and swam even more. It's always fun to hang out with friends. I'd never been to this lake, but it was so cool, we'll definitely be going back often! If fact, Steph and I were talking about going tomorrow... :-) that's all I need... more sun! :) I don't burn that bad though, thank goodness. Time for aloe vera! See ya!
Posted by
5:47 PM
Having a grand time! I coudln't find my suit before we left, so I ended up swimming in my clothes! I couldn't miss out on all the fun!! My white shirt is now a muddy shade of brown. :)
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5:43 PM
He loved the water for awhile. He liked pushing around the floatie...he could run around with it without falling down.
Posted by
5:40 PM
Aren't the cute together?? Wil the Huber's be future in-laws?? :) Brayden's not too sure about this...
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5:38 PM
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5:37 PM